Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In this third and final exercise you were to find a variety of different fabrics in neutral, white or beige and with as much visual texture as possible, looking for fabrics from rough burlap to silky satin. Next step was to create a composition and then analyze how the textures work together. In the first photo you can see the different fabrics I chose and how they play off of one another. In the closeup photo, you'll notice how the quilting changes the visual texture of the piece. The quilting actually knocks back the texture of the fabric itself so that it is barely visible and the quilting is what gives the piece it's predominant texture.
The whitest of the fabrics actually has a pattern to it but you can't see it because of the quilting. The creamy fabric to the right is very textural in appearance but you don't notice it as much with the quilting on top. And the patterned fabric stands out bold with or without the quilting.

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